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Course 2 Mandarin Vowels
Finding Your Mandarin Vowels
C2L1 What Are Chinese Finals? (2:17)
C2L2 The Final Vowel "i" (2:00)
C2L3 The Final Vowel "ie" (3:42)
C2L4 The Syllables xie jie, & qie (4:43)
C2L5 The Final Vowel ü/yu & x/j/q+u(ü) (8:27)
C2L6 The Final Vowel üe/yue & y/x/j/q+ue (6:14)
C2L7 The Final Vowel a & ia/ya (8:20)
C2L8 The Final Sound an & ian/yan (12:55)
C2L9 The Final Sound üan/yuan (4:23)
C2L10 The Final Sounds ang & iang/yang (6:07)
C2L11 ang vs. an (4:38)
C2L12 The Final Vowel u/wu vs. ü (7:04)
C2L13 The Final Vowel eng vs. ang (4:27)
C2L14 The Final Vowel ing(ieng)/ying (5:21)
C2L15 The Final Vowel o/uo/wo (6:03)
C2L16 The Final Vowels ao & iao/yao (9:18)
C2L17 The Final Sound "i" in si, zi, & ci (5:30)
C2L18 The Final Vowel ai (8:28)
C2L19 The Final Vowel e (4:45)
C2L20 The Syllables si-se zi-ze ci-ce (4:58)
C2L21 The Final vowels ei & ui(uei)/wei (9:51)
C2L22 The Final Sounds en & in(ien)/yin (8:13)
C2L23 The Final Sounds eng vs. en (8:21)
C2L24 The Final Sounds ing vs. in (11:16)
C2L25 The Final Sound ün(üen)/yun (4:09)
C2L26 The Final Sound un(uen)/wen (4:51)
C2L27 The Final Sound "i" in shi, zhi, & chi (9:22)
C2L28 shi/zhi/chi vs. she/zhe/che (10:01)
C2L29 shi/zhi/chi vs. shu/zhu/chu (9:13)
C2L30 shu/zhu/chu vs. xu/ju/qu (10:50)
C2L31 The Final Sound uan/wan (7:58)
C2L32 The Final Vowels ua/wa, uai/wai, & uang/wang (14:39)
C2L33 The Final Vowels ou & iu(iou)/you (20:28)
C2L34 ou vs. uo (10:03)
C2L35 The Final Vowel ong (13:00)
C2L36 ong vs. un(uen) vs. eng (5:17)
C2L37 The Final Vowel iong/yong (4:00)
C2L38 The Final Vowel ueng/weng (3:16)
C2L39 The Vowel er (5:40)
C2L40 Erhua儿话音 (10:23)
C2L41 Special Pronunciation of "一" (2:46)
C2L38 The Final Vowel ueng/weng
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